Don't ever show your hand before anything, or else you're showing your true ability before the real battle begins- Marti031

silas @marti031

Age 27, Male

being a black guy!


Joined on 11/22/10

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marti031's News

Posted by marti031 - August 26th, 2011

well it seems like Ray shall survive in the next episode of MTA for now, the reason i asked this was to determine what happened to Ray and Mighty(for he was going to tu-- wait.. no i won't say it).
But HE Shall Die....

................and vegeta continues to breakdance...

The results of Ray's fate in the next episode of MTA

Posted by marti031 - August 26th, 2011

should Ray die or should he live?
and i'm talking about Ray the flying squriell

Dead or Alive

Posted by marti031 - August 22nd, 2011

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so here we are again at number 3 of the:
WARNING: the messages i'm going to say, will not be known by the person who asked! I will also be speaking in Italic!

We shall start with this one:
1.are ya gonna show progress for mta 3?

No, only to those who are helping me with this episode, the reason being is because in a early post, someone said, its not as exciting once we see the final result, so no...

2.you can help me in an flash adding music to it?
i give credit to you and your name will appear in the credits.you can select the musics you want

1. the reason why you don't have sound is because you don't have any, you can find music anywhere2.And sorry i can't help you one this one...:(

3. Hey marti i have been having some trouble with my flash video, the background keeps flashing from Bg to white... can you help me?

I had this same problem until my friend told me what i did wrong, make sure your using layers because you probaly have it on to different layers

4. Wow your really good at flash animations and all, but i can't make my sprites do all those things that you do(i still can't do flash as good as you)

answer: Ok first can people stop saying that, it doesn't have to be like mine, make up your own story and be original!!!

And that is the end of the question corner and now to the Updates on the flash videos, MTA 3/4 won't be here for awhile because of the issues happening to the computer and whatnot, though i will try to make a preview of MTA: the duplicate saga and i'm using these sprites for the duplicate saga for mighty's duplicate:I'm right here baby!!

the question corner 3 and whats coming up!

Posted by marti031 - August 19th, 2011

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Anyways i'm back from our adventure and boy was it a long one to( no homo)!
so anyways i have three things to say
1. the question corner
2. MTA pictures
3. a problem that brings the detective crew back

1. "the question corner"
so on this post I asked you people if you have any questions and i got quite a few PM messages with questions and i'm gonna tell you all of them
WARNING: the messages i'm going to say, will not be known by the person who asked! I will also be speaking in Italic!

the first one was(i get this a lot)
1."Hey Marti, i have a question, when will the next episode be here?"

Soon but not to worry, all great videos come in due time!

2." Yo marti031, what does "MTA" stand for?"

Mighty the Armadillo, its a quick way of saying it!

3." how are your adventures? and where do you go?"

My adventures are going pretty good and anywhere i suppose

4." Why are you doing a saga about Mighty?"

%u25A0Writer Ian Flynn stated in his "unofficial" character Q&A that Mighty gave Vector personal training following Sonic's disappearance that led to Vector's transformation from his Knuckles Chaotix look to his Sonic Heroes look. [1] This was later confirmed in print in StH: #212, where Mighty remarked to Ray that Vector had become nearly as strong as he was due to going through his training course.
%u25A0It is possible that Matilda the Armadillo is Mighty's sister.
%u25A0Ian Flynn dropped hints of a Mighty saga for Sonic Universe.
Is that good enough for you...

and i'll put this one since he wanted me too...
5. " WASSUP?!"

nothing much

now for the second one of the list, "MTA pictures", if you look to the top, you will see one new picture, pictures like that will be at the end of my flash videos as it is done in Sonic: Nazo Unleashed the finale!!
so far i have the missing saga and the Duplicate saga done but i don't know what i should draw for the other saga's:
The silver saga
The United saga
The enerjak saga
Here's the Missing saga cover

3."a problem that brings the detective crew back"

When i got back home from my adventures with Chrewey and Erik, We went to this super market to get a snack, and then it happened, i got a phone call from my dad saying that the police came to my house wondering this dude lived at my house( the name shall not be Reviled because of certain circumstances) Of course i knew that dude, i then called him, i said he was being looked for and all, He knew...
As i remembered hearing from my dad, that the police said that that dude stole something, when i asked him, he didn't steal a thing...
Though it kinda surprised me that it was the same thing that happened to my friend Chrewey when this person(again, the name shall not be Reviled because of certain circumstances) accused him of something he never did and he wasn't even their!!

Strange and Mysterious...

We asked the police what was it that that dude stole, he said some " Personal property" but he didn't say what...
Even more strange..!

when we told the original detective team, we all new what we had to do:
Make right again to our friends name before its too late!
If any of you have a question, i'll put it in the next post, just PM me!MTA: missing saga title

ABC, 123 BABY!!! The Question corner 2!

Posted by marti031 - August 9th, 2011

yeah i'm leaving newgrounds for a while, or forever, either way
if you liked MTA or didn't oh well but if i don't return then.... well....
its been nice knowing everyone one!!
see ya, me and my friends are going on a new adventure!!
i will be leaving on friday or tomorrow

well, i'm leaving!!

Posted by marti031 - August 8th, 2011

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If you have a question tell me now ok? anyways anyways MTA: the missing saga 2/4 is out!
i'm putting this here if you like movies

MTA: missing saga 2/4 is out and question corner

Posted by marti031 - August 5th, 2011

Where can i find Dragon ball Z sound effects for MP3?
and also i am now a member of the sonica club...
but why am i not a SA? I don't know and also MTA: the missing saga will be on a delay do to some actions that have happened resently but i will try to get it done as soon as possible!


Posted by marti031 - August 3rd, 2011

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i got over 2.50 out of 5.00, not bad if i do say so myself and i do!
so anyways i got a couple of PM messages that are like"When are you making the next one" and "Will it be here soon" and "Can you put my character in it?"
1. i have already started!
2. yes.. no.. describe "soon"
3. NO, maybe in the next Mighty the Armadillo series, but not this one
(see this post for more details!!)
And anyways this is all your GONNA SEE!!
MTA: the missing saga 2/4
if you want to see more Youtube videos made by me, just go to my contact info on the right...

and if i get MTA: the missing saga 2/4 done earlier then i thought, it might be on Youtube(just talking to myself aloud over here i guess)
i guess i'll put my two favorite vids on here again!


Posted by marti031 - August 1st, 2011

Mighty the Armadillo: the missing saga is out...
why are you still reading this?
go look at it, NOW!!!

Posted by marti031 - July 30th, 2011