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so here we are again at number 3 of the:
WARNING: the messages i'm going to say, will not be known by the person who asked! I will also be speaking in Italic!
We shall start with this one:
1.are ya gonna show progress for mta 3?
No, only to those who are helping me with this episode, the reason being is because in a early post, someone said, its not as exciting once we see the final result, so no...
2.you can help me in an flash adding music to it?
i give credit to you and your name will appear in the credits.you can select the musics you want
1. the reason why you don't have sound is because you don't have any, you can find music anywhere2.And sorry i can't help you one this one...:(
3. Hey marti i have been having some trouble with my flash video, the background keeps flashing from Bg to white... can you help me?
I had this same problem until my friend told me what i did wrong, make sure your using layers because you probaly have it on to different layers
4. Wow your really good at flash animations and all, but i can't make my sprites do all those things that you do(i still can't do flash as good as you)
answer: Ok first can people stop saying that, it doesn't have to be like mine, make up your own story and be original!!!
And that is the end of the question corner and now to the Updates on the flash videos, MTA 3/4 won't be here for awhile because of the issues happening to the computer and whatnot, though i will try to make a preview of MTA: the duplicate saga and i'm using these sprites for the duplicate saga for mighty's duplicate:I'm right here baby!!
Stop posting sprite sheets.
They get resized and become unusable. Instead just link to them from spriters resource or whatever site you're using.
i'll do that right now